Thursday, 20 November 2014

Black Lotus protects your network against DDoS attacks

Network under attack? Black Lotus protects entire BGP networks through rapid provisioning of DDoS mitigation service on a global terabit-scale network.


Black Lotus makes it easy to deploy carrier grade DDoS protection to any BGP network, anywhere in the world. Service providers and enterprises connect to Black Lotus through GRE tunnels, physical cross connections, or virtual ethernet service and receive DDoS mitigation from globally distributed points of presence. With Protection for Networks, inbound traffic is routed through Black Lotus DDoS mitigation facilities before arriving at the customer’s network. Outbound traffic continues to route locally, minimizing performance impact.
DDoS protectionnetwork
DDoS protectionnetwork

Benefits of Globally Distributed DDoS Mitigation

Enterprises using Protection for Networks benefit from Black Lotus’ global footprint, high performance backbone, extensive peering, and industry leading DDoS mitigation systems, enabling defense against the world’s largest and most complex DDoS attacks. By establishing connections to Black Lotus even networks without any native DDoS protection are well protected at a fraction of the cost of establishing organic mitigation capabilities. When enterprise networks are defended against DDoS attacks the company’s revenue and reputation remain secure.
Service providers such as datacenters and hosting companies have unique DDoS protection requirements which require purpose built solutions. Protection for Networks was designed with the hosting industry in mind, allowing service providers to defend their entire network against DDoS attacks and enabling them to resell DDoS protection service without the need to maintain these capabilities on site. Many service providers offer DDoS protection via Black Lotus as a white-label solution which improves company reputation, customer retention, and provides an additional stream of revenue.

State of the Art DDoS Mitigation Facilities

Black Lotus provides carrier grade DDoS mitigation service through state of the art, globally distributed facilities in North America and Europe, with extended service available anywhere in the world. Capable of defeating the world’s largest and most complex attacks, the Black Lotus network has earned numerous awards for its scale, capability, and success in guaranteeing the defense of service providers and enterprises.
Key capabilities of the Black Lotus network include:
  • Global terabit-scale network with over 1 Tbps of active DDoS mitigation capacity
  • Datacenters and DDoS mitigation facilities throughout North America and Europe
  • Global service delivery via GRE tunnels, physical cross connections, or virtual ethernet service
  • Extensive peering and high performance transit capacity with NTT, GT-T, Level 3, Equinix, and CoreSite
  • Redundancy at every layer of service with zero single points of failure
  • Native IPv6 DDoS detection and mitigation capabilities
In 2014, Black Lotus invested an additional $6 million in order to expand its global footprint, improve performance, and guarantee continued defense against attacks expected to exceed 800 Gbps by 2015.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Phptik Contact form +database

"Phptik Contact form" is a easy & fast php script to create Contact form & and manage it, This form use a database & you can read & archive messages in your Panel.
also you can embed This form in all page, so popup Or Jquery Lightbox.
You can activate or Deactivate Contact form with admin panel.
you can see date & ip of senders

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Attack Monitoring Platform in Black Lotus

Real time DDoS attack visibility

Black Lotus provides all DDoS mitigation clients with real time visibility into network traffic in order to assist with identification of DDoS attacks. Through the Black Lotus MitigationPro AMP monitoring platform, clients have access to an easy to read and interpret dashboard showing a 24 hour bit and packet history, along with current and recent attacks against network resources. The platform indicates the severity of the attack, the protocol, and the upstream transit provider where the anomaly was detected.

Research historical DDoS attacks

Need details on historical DDoS attacks? Archived traffic anomalies can be searched and exported to Excel or Acrobat. This data is useful for providing specific details of DDoS attacks to your customers, or for providing reports to management on DDoS threats and the value of solutions that are in place to mitigate the attacks.

Provide your clients detailed attack data

When you need more granular data you can run reports on a per IP, per subnet, or per IP group basis. These reports can be printed or exported to Acrobat. This makes it easy to show clients an aggregate view of DDoS attacks detected by the network which can be extremely helpful when needing to provide a detailed post mortem report.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Remote Protection

Genius Guard offer highly professional remote DDoS protection using reverse proxy. By using a reverse proxy you able to hide your website original IP behind of our reverse proxy IP and stay with your current hosting, You need to point your domain to our reverse proxy IP and all traffic pass from our reverse proxy IP and DDoS protected network and reach your originals hosting. Our reverse proxy are DDoS protected against all type of attacks and included a powerful WAF (Layer 7 Protection) & speed acceleration.

PHP 5.2 Removed & OpenSSL Heartbleed

We officially removed PHP 5.2 from our servers. Now PHP 5.3 is our default version.

In recent days a serious and high risk bug published on the internet called OpenSSL Heartbleed, this bug allow remote attacker to disclosure a part of RAM of victim server which can used to stole most important information. The bug fixed immediately at our servers.
DDoS Protection Hosting

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Genius Guard Remote Protection

Genius Guard offer highly professional remote DDoS protection using reverse proxy. By using a reverse proxy you able to hide your website original IP behind of our reverse proxy IP and stay with your current hosting, You need to point your domain to our reverse proxy IP and all traffic pass from our reverse proxy IP and DDoS protected network and reach your originals hosting. Our reverse proxy are DDoS protected against all type of attacks and included a powerful WAF (Layer 7 Protection) & speed acceleration.

The remote protection service is suitable only for those that need hide they original hosting IP address behind of a DDoS protected IP address to keep their website safe from DDoS attack. It works only on HTTP protocol and it won't work for game servers, minecraft or any other TCP or UDP based port service.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Blocking Incoming UDP Ports, Is it works?

Most webmasters & servers admin think blocking incoming UDP ports save them from UDP DDoS attacks, The question is, Is it true? The answer is Yes and No

Yes, if the attack size is small and around 10K PPS or 50Mbps, What about greater attacks? 1Gbps, 10Gbps or more.

No, When the attack size is large, no matter if you block incoming UDP port at server or router level, at all you will have some issue. You may feel low connection speed and next level will be null routing your server IP by your data center. So why they do it? this is because the traffic still reach their network and they have to pay for it, so they have to null route your server IP to avoid it.

The solution is to place your website or server at DDoS protected network, DDoS protected network equipped with latest hardware and technology needed for DDoS protection, They block the attack instead of null routing your server or website IP.

Friday, 24 January 2014

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